General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
301 S. Dr. Martin Luther King Drive

Planning and Zoning

The Planning Department responsibilities related to "current planning" include zoning, subdivision, and site plan administration, sign permits, annexation, zoning code enforcement and general questions directed to the Town regarding planning issues.

The Planning Department is also responsible for "long-range planning" that includes comprehensive planning, maintaining and updating the land use plan, transportation planning, greenway and open space planning, historic preservation, demographics and developing proposed policies and ordinances to help direct the growth of the Town.

The Department serves as technical staff support for the Planning and Zoning Board and the Board of Adjustment.

Morgan Askew is the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Her office is located at the Ahoskie Fire Department and her office number is 252-862-8402.

For Zoning Permit Forms, please click the link below.


For Zoning Verification Forms, please click the link below

Zoning Verification Form.pdf

All forms can be dropped off at Town Hall or with other permit papers to the Inspections Office.